How to Save Money on Energy Bills this Winter


How to Save Money on Energy Bills this Winter

Cold weather is here and it is time to start preparing for winter. One way to start prepping for the cold months is to consider reducing the amount of energy you use (and save money). If your bills go up in the winter, stay tuned to see ways to keep those bills down and your house warm!

Adjust your thermostat. Try to use a lower setting on your thermostat. When you leave the house or when everyone is sleeping, choose a lower temperature setting. If possible, automatically set it at a certain temperature so that during times no one is awake and active in the house, the temperature is lower.

Seal drafts. Instead of turning up the heat, look for places where cold drafts come in and seal them up. This will prevent you from having to continuously turn up the heat!

Check the efficiency of your fireplace. This seems really small and goes unnoticed often, however, fireplaces can be really inefficient when it comes to heat conservation. Chimneys are a huge contributor to heat loss in a home. Make sure to close the fireplace damper, or look into other ways to reduce heat loss in a fireplace.

Keep blinds open during the day. Use the sun to your advantage. Keeping your blinds open can let the sun bring extra heat into your house. Just make sure to close them at night to keep the warmth indoors.

Unplug devices. When you aren’t using your electronics, make sure to unplug them! They still use energy even when not in use, so unplugging them will help save on wasted money.

Bundle up! Cuddle up with a blanket and wear your warmest socks. This is an easy and cheap way to keep your heating bill from getting too high.

Use LED holiday lights. Reduce the cost of decorating for the Christmas season by switching to LED lights. These light bulbs are bright and energy saving!

These simple tips can help save energy and money this winter season. Even just doing one of these small tips can make a difference. If you have any other tips on how to save money and energy in the cold season, be sure to share with us on Facebook and Twitter!

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