5 Ways To Help High School Seniors Prepare for College


5 Things High School Seniors Can Do to Prepare for College

Now that the holidays are over, graduation will be here before you know it! Graduating is huge but it can come with certain expenses, especially if you are planning on going to college. College isn’t the right route for everyone and it is stressful trying to decide what you want to do post-graduation, but, if you are considering college, here are a few ways you can prepare for college expenses during your last semester of high school!

  • If you haven’t yet, apply for FAFSA. The FAFSA is the mandatory application needed to receive financial aid from the government. It also is important because FAFSA has a hand in determining eligibility in many scholarships. Any financial aid could help you save thousands in the long run, so be sure to fill out your FAFSA ASAP! Have some questions on FAFSA? Click here.

  • Research scholarship opportunities. Everyone likes free money, right? Find and apply to as many scholarships as you can! You never know what you may get!

  • Create a savings account. If you have a paycheck, try to put some of it away for the future. Even a small savings account is a start. Maybe you already have some money saved for college that you can add to. I cannot stress enough that anything can help and now is the time to save as much as you can, even if it only a small amount! Click “savings account” to see how we can help you with this!

  • Does your school have an advisor you can talk to about college? Go and talk with them! You never know what information they have about financial aid, scholarships, or just advice that might help you! I went to my high school’s college advisor and I ended up getting a scholarship just by talking with her. Explore opportunities because you never know what is out there.

  • Research what loans work for you. You can apply for federal loans and private loans, however, it all depends on your needs. If a federal loan doesn’t cover all of your needs, it might be necessary to look at private loans. It sounds overwhelming in the moment, but determining and planning out what loans you need can help you budget for each semester easier.

Preparing for college is overwhelming and stressful, but it is also exciting to know that you are starting your next steps for your future soon! Don’t let the stresses of finances take away from your final months in high school.  These 5 tips are an easy way to start your preparation for college! Remember, there are always ways to save a little money, you just need to seek out those opportunities! Oh, and congratulations on your final semester of high school!

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