Back-to-School Checklist: Parent Edition


Summer break is nearing its end, and the dawn of the first day of school quickly approaches. You’ve got a school supply list three miles long, the kids have outgrown their old clothes, those stinky shoes have got to go, and everyone needs fresh haircuts! Here are some quick tips so you can help your kids get ready for the new school year!

● Routine adjustments: Over the summer, your kids may have gotten a little off schedule. Start making adjustments to bedtimes and wake-up times a couple of weeks in advance. Gradually shifting their sleep schedule will help for a smooth transition back to early mornings, making those first days a little less challenging.

● Get organized: Set up a dedicated homework space free from distractions! Having an organized space and getting rid of clutter allows your child to focus better. Preparing the night before by making lunches, getting backpacks packed, and choosing outfits can eliminate a lot of the busywork, so you have more time in the morning to drink that second cup of coffee you’ll inevitably need.

● Set expectations: Talk with your kids and set clear expectations for their behavior, responsibilities, and school work. Make sure they understand the consequences of inappropriate behavior or lack of effort, and on the opposite side of the same coin, try to implement rewards when they show exemplary behavior or excel in school!

● Create a schedule: This goes along with everything we’ve already mentioned. Creating a schedule for yourself and your kids not only helps manage your time more efficiently but also teaches your kids to do the same. Make sure when you block out time for getting home, homework, and extracurricular activities to include a 15-30 minute rest period!

● Shop early: Avoid waiting until the last minute to beat the crowds! Shopping for school supplies early ensures you’re able to find everything that’s needed, and you don’t have to fight another parent over the last pair of pink glitter scissors.

● Make time for fun: It’s so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day routines, so don’t forget to set aside time for more fun things. Have a movie or game night! Walk a nature trail! Get crafty! Life is too short not to enjoy it!

The back-to-school season can be a big transition, especially for the kids. Hopefully, you found some helpful tips! Positivity and preparation can go a long way to create an overall easier experience of getting back into the swing of things

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